Monthly Programs
The Camano Wildlife Habitat Project, sponsored by Friends of Camano Island Parks, hosts free public presentations the third Wednesday of most months.
If you have questions or suggestions for topics and/or speakers, please email us.
Upcoming Programs
- March 19, 2025 - "Monitoring Washington’s Rare Plant Conservation Program, with examples and personal stories from across the state" by Brenda Cunningham, Salal Native Plant Society
- April 16, 2025 "Birds and Their Nests" by Joe Meche, expert birder, photographer, carpenter, and author of Beaks and Bills
"CASCARAS, CAMERAS & CAMOUFLAGE: How to turn your Native backyard into a photography studio"
by Ann Pultz Kramer, Award Winning Wildlife
Photographer and Native plant gardener
by Ann Pultz Kramer, Award Winning Wildlife
Photographer and Native plant gardener
February 19th, 2025 7:00 PM PST
(online via Zoom)
(online via Zoom)
Whether you like to photograph birds or any other wildlife on a Point and Shoot camera, your cell phone or with a large Zoom lens, wildlife photography can be expensive and lead us to think we must be able to travel to Alaska or Africa to get compelling images. I’ve learned that not only can you get very beautiful photographs locally, but your backyard can also be a wonderful studio for capturing behaviors and portraits without having to leave home. With a blind, a setup, and a habitat of bird attracting native plants, you can sit comfortably and let the birds come to you. Ann will talk about the best practices for helping birds be comfortable with you and photographing them in a relaxed state. She will teach you how to use photography blinds in the backyard, what cameras and equipment will serve you best, and what native plants are winners to attract the wildlife you love.
Ann Kramer is a birder and an award-winning ethical Wildlife photographer who has resided in Western Washington for 5 years. In addition to serving as a photography contest judge, she has led ethical photography workshops for the Puget Sound Bird Festival for several years. After moving here from California in 2020, she and her husband dedicated the large front yard landscaping of their home with a preference for natives and allowed the backyard forest to remain native and a bit “messy.” Ann became excited with the bounty of growth she saw in Washington after witnessing how the California drought was affecting plants and wildlife. She established a vegetable and herb garden and learned about the growing needs of plants in Western Washington climates and, once the birds found it, she discovered it was the perfect outdoor studio for photography. She is a retired private practice marriage and family therapist and she serves on the board of Skagit Audubon Society.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the meeting link.
Click to download Ann's Native Garden Plants for Birds (PDF) and WDFW's Pacific Northwest trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Perennials and the Birds that Use Them (PDF)
Recent Presentations
"How Native Plants Promote Wildlife on Camano Island"
by Paisley Blume, Snohomish Conservation District
by Paisley Blume, Snohomish Conservation District
January 15th, 2025
Explore the vital role of native plants in promoting wildlife and ecological well-being on Camano Island with Paisley Blume, Habitat Restoration Project Assistant with the Snohomish Conservation District. We will discuss the needs and benefits of native plants, how they support pollinators and create essential habitats for local wildlife, as well as practical steps to incorporate them into our landscape. Snohomish Conservation District fosters sustainable land stewardship on Camano Island and in Snohomish County and offers an annual native plant sale (, online pre-orders open January 6 at 9 am), which offers an accessible way to bring biodiversity to your own backyard.
"Turning Your Property into a Wildlife Lover’s Paradise"
by Val Schroeder
by Val Schroeder
November 20th, 2024
Imagine turning your garden into a year-round haven for birds, butterflies, pollinators, Douglas squirrels and a host of other delightful creatures. It's easier than you might think to put out the welcome mat for the birds and animals you want to entertain in your garden – no matter where you live or what size garden you have. Val Schroeder, Camano Wildlife Habitat Project coordinator, will show you how to create a garden that's as inviting to wildlife as it is beautiful with simple techniques that benefit wildlife and help preserve and protect our natural resources. You'll learn the four basic habitat requirements needed to sustain wildlife and how to provide them in your garden. You'll also find out how to join a growing movement of folks in the Puget Sound region that are taking steps to become wildlife-friendly – one yard at a time!
Read the goskagit article: "Creating corridors: Camano Wildlife Habitat Project promotes backyard conservation" (Nov 22, 2024)
Resources mentioned in the program: Lawn Reduction, How to Leave the Leaves
Download our Application for Certification or you can certify online on at the NWF site.
"Feathers and Fur: The Interwoven Lives of Birds and Mammals"
by Steve & Martha Ellis
September 18th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Birds and mammals in the wild lead complicated lives that include interacting with each other. These interactions come in many forms, some surprising and others amusing. Included in the presentation are our observations with the hope you'll see examples the next time you venture outdoors.
"Bats in Your Backyard"
by Meg Lunnum
August 21st, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Come meet Carol Ann the Friendly Education Bat! Meg Lunnum of Happy Valley Bats, (bat rehabilitation and education) is her carer and will talk about the bats in our area and beyond, how they live, and how we can support them as they eat pesky mosquitoes around our homes.
Read the goskagit article: Educational event highlights bat conservation on Camano Island and beyond (August 23, 2024)
The Bats Northwest Bat Habitat page shows you how to support them and their prey with a list of native trees and plants that provide food and shelter for bats.
There are free apps that will id bat recordings, but to use your smartphone as an interactive bat detector, you'll need an ultrasonic microphone like the Echo Meter Touch 2.
"Birding Essentials — An introduction to birding, identification, and the birds themselves"
by Joe Meche
July 17th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Have you been wondering what has been serenading you at dawn each morning? Or struggling to identify that little yellowish-greenish bird you see in your alder trees? Join us as Joe Meche, expert birder and author of Beaks and Bills, gives us a tour of what beautiful birds you can see and hear on Camano Island during summer, both residents and migrants. Learn about birds you might find on Camano and surrounding areas, birding in general, bird identification, as well as the birds themselves and how they interact with their preferred habitats.
Download a Camano Island Bird Checklist
Read the goskagit article: Expert gives birding tips at Camano Wildlife Habitat program (July 19, 2024)
Camano Wildlife Habitat Benefit Concert
June 19th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Celebrating 1059 Certified Habitats and 22 years of Creating an Island in Harmony with Nature — One Yard at a Time
Celebrating 1059 Certified Habitats and 22 years of Creating an Island in Harmony with Nature — One Yard at a Time
The Legacy Ukulele Ensemble is a group of 12 players from America and Canada directed by internationally renowned ukulele teacher Peter Luongo. Val Schroeder is a member of the ensemble and invited them to include us on their Pacific Northwest Tour. Check out for videos of past performances.
"Landscaping and Other Measures to Protect your Drain Field and Septic System"
by Scott Chase
by Scott Chase
May 15th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Proper landscaping choices can protect you from damaging the investment you’ve made in installing and maintaining your septic tank and drain field. During this presentation, Scott Chase will show you how a septic system works and suggest choices to protect your drain field and reduce your chances of system failure. This presentation will introduce you to basic septic system and drain field maintenance; help you choose which plants, shrubs and ground covers to plant over the drain field and which ones to avoid; and suggest drought-tolerant native plant choices over your mound or gravity-fed system that can provide attractive alternatives to grass.
"Introduction to Pollinator Diversity"
by Bob Gillespie
by Bob Gillespie
April 17th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
This program will introduce participants to some of the key characteristics used to identify pollinators, their fascinating life histories, the approximate time adults are actively collecting pollen and nectar, some important habitats for their survival, and where they spend their lives developing into adults.
"Plants for Pollinators"
by Brenda Cunningham,
Salal Native Plant Society
by Brenda Cunningham,
Salal Native Plant Society
March 20th, 2024 (In-Person Event)
Brenda will introduce you to the most popular native plants for home landscaping and talk about where to find these and more unusual plants, as well as how to do some of your own propagating.
Resources Mentioned in the Program:
Xerces Society
Washington Native Plant Society landscaping
National Wildlife Federation
Washington Bumblebees
US Forest Service
"Knock on Wood!" by Shona Aitken,
Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Feb 21st, 2024
Do you have woodpeckers living in your neighborhood?
Join Shona Aitken, Education Coordinator at Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center to learn more about the different types of woodpeckers that live in our area. Find out what they look and sound like, what signs they leave behind and why they are such an important part of forest ecosystems.
Read the goskagit article: Knock on wood: Avian expert encourages conservation of woodpecker habitat (Feb 29, 2024)
Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash
"Living with Beavers" by Ariana Winkler, SCD
Jan 17th, 2024
It's an otter! It's a muskrat! It's a.....beaver!
These dam-building engineers can certainly cause headaches by chewing trees, blocking culverts, or building dams that flood your property, but Snohomish Conservation District is here to help! In this webinar, learn about the benefits of having beavers on your property, some strategies for managing beaver conflicts, and opportunities for assistance from the District. Ariana Winkler, Living with Beavers Program Lead, promotes beaver coexistence and the habitat benefits of beaver ponds as she helps landowners with issues that can arise from having beavers on or near their property. She's ready for your questions!
Read the goskagit article: "Beaver expert advocates for coexistence in Stanwood-Camano" (January 19, 2024)
"Living Amidst Camano's Bluffs, Wetlands, and Forests"
by Kristin Marshall and Kathryn Wells, SCD
by Kristin Marshall and Kathryn Wells, SCD
November 15th, 2023
Do you live on a bluff or shoreline? Do you have a wetland or forest on your property? Learn about resources to help manage bluff stability, beaver activity, and forest and shoreline health with Kristin Marshall and Kathryn Wells from the Snohomish Conservation District (SCD). Enjoy living amongst and enhancing the health of these beautiful and dynamic ecosystems!
Click to download a PDF of the Resources Mentioned in the Program or read the "Environmental experts provide guidance for living amongst Camano's wetlands" coverage on
"The Aerialists: One Tough Way to Make a Living "
by Steve & Martha Ellis
by Steve & Martha Ellis
October 18, 2023 (In-Person Event)
All bird species in our area have the ability to fly, and many of them make contact with their food from the air. Less than 10% of these feed almost exclusively on flying prey. These are the aerialists: swallows, swifts, nighthawks, flycatchers, accipiters, and falcons.
The aerialists are some of the most overlooked and underappreciated bird species. Each has its unique adaptations and habits that allow them to exploit food sources unavailable to other birds. Each also faces daunting challenges. All the aerialists - from the frequent flier champ (the Barn Swallow) to the ultimate speed machine (the Peregrine Falcon) - share this particular characteristic: they have one tough way to make a living.
Read the "Avid birders teach Camano Islanders about aerialists" coverage on
"Rooting out Invaders: Addressing noxious weed control on Camano Island" by Seth Luginbill
Island County Noxious Weed Program Coordinator
Island County Noxious Weed Program Coordinator
August 16th, 2023 (In-Person Event)
Invasive weeds are an ever present concern for both private and public land owners throughout Washington state. Their impacts range across a diverse array of habitats from forests, to fields, to lakes, to our shorelines. In 2022 alone Island County residence disposed of 112 tons of noxious weed material. In a world where the presence of weeds is so widespread how do we discern what weeds carry the biggest impacts and how can we responsibly deal with controlling them? In this talk we will review some of the most prevalent noxious weed species found on Camano as well as examining best management practices for dealing with the control and eradication of these species.
Click to watch a slideshow of Seth's presentation or read the
"Expert on noxious weeds advises islanders to root out invaders" story on
"Camano Island Groundwater" by Chris Kelley, Ph.D., LG
Island County Hydrogeologist
Island County Hydrogeologist
July 19th, 2023 (In-Person Event)
Camano Island is served by a sole source aquifer recharged by local precipitation. As the only source of drinking water on Camano Island, groundwater needs to be managed to ensure an adequate water supply now and into the future. We will discuss Camano Island’s geology and hydrogeology, aquifer recharge, and managing wells at risk for seawater intrusion.
read the "Hydrogeologist gives update on Camano's groundwater" story on
"Bring Back the Pollinators"
by Kathryn Owen, Xerces Society volunteer
by Kathryn Owen, Xerces Society volunteer
May 17th, 2023
Populations of native pollinators are on the decline, in part due to widespread pesticide use. But there’s also good news: Washington recently became the first state in the country to develop a statewide strategy to conserve bumble bees. Join Kathryn Owen, volunteer ambassador for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, for a conversation about the threats facing pollinators, the valuable roles they play, and most importantly, ways to support pollinators through actions we take in our own backyards and communities. We’ll also discuss the life history of bees and how to support them throughout their life span - and we’ll practice looking at landscapes from the perspective of a bee!
Resources mentioned in the program:
Read the "Environmental researcher says pollinators vital for local ecosystem" story on
"Native Plants for Climate Resilience"
by Brenda Cunningham, Salal Native Plant Society
by Brenda Cunningham, Salal Native Plant Society
Apr 19th, 2023
Come learn about how native plants can help us prepare for a changing climate. Learn about species that are drought resistant and suitable for home landscaping.
Click to Download Native Plant Resources mentioned in the program or read the "Retired biologist says native plants help the climate" story on
"All About Owls"
Shona Aitken, Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Shona Aitken, Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Mar 15th, 2023
Have you seen or heard an owl? What kind of owl might it have been?
Owls can seem mysterious because they are often active when we’re tucked up in bed, but if you know what to look and listen for, you can find out which owls live near you. Join Shona Aitken, Education Coordinator at Wolf Hollow to find out more about these fascinating birds and discover which owls might be living in your neighborhood.
"Northwest Straits Foundation and Initiative: A Community Approach to Restoration and Protection of the Salish Sea"
by Lisa Kaufman
Feb 15th, 2023
Learn how the Northwest Straits Foundation engages at the local level to accomplish nearshore restoration, prevention and removal of derelict fishing gear, and provide stewardship of marine and nearshore habitats and species. Lisa Kaufman, Director of Programs, will also discuss natural solutions shoreline landowners can employ to protect and enhance their properties.
Also see: &
"Native Plants to Promote Wildlife with Environmental Considerations"
by Delaney Anderson, Snohomish Conservation District
Jan 18th, 2023
Native plants are a great tool for fostering wildlife populations and promoting pollinators all while possessing an innate adaptability to local climate regimes. Delaney Anderson, Restoration Project Assistant with the Snohomish Conservation District, will present a coordinated approach to planting that balances the needs of homeowners, the preferences of wildlife, and the potential climate pressures facing our local environment.
Click to Download:
Delaney's Native Plant Resources slides.
Winter Garden Tips for Beneficial Wildlife
"Dark Skies and Beyond: Some of the Ecological Consequences of Artificial Light at Night" by Jay Adams
Nov 16th, 2022
Learn about some of the ecological consequences of artificial light at night. Jay Adams, Whidbey Camano Land Trust president, will also discuss what all of us can do to help keep it dark, for all creatures, including us.
Resources mentioned in the program:
"Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting" edited by Catherine Rich and Travis Longcore
"The Circadian Code" by Satchin Panda
"The Swinomish Village Osprey Nest: Life on a Cell Tower"
by John S. Farnsworth, PhD.
by John S. Farnsworth, PhD.
Oct 19th, 2022
Skagit Audubon’s new vice president, John Farnsworth, along with SAS member Charles Talman, spent the summer monitoring an osprey nest atop a cell tower near Fisherman’s Dock in the Swinomish Village. Trying to determine a basic phenology, they spent hours every day observing through spotting scopes from across the channel at the garden club’s butterfly garden, atop the hill in La Conner. They were amazed at what they discovered, especially in terms of conflicts between eagles, the osprey, and even a peregrine falcon.
John S. Farnsworth, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Studies and Sciences, Emeritus, at Santa Clara University. He is the author of Coves of Departure: Field Notes from the Sea of Cortes, Nature Beyond Solitude: Notes from the Field, and a forthcoming memoir about trying to learn the ecosystems where he currently lives.
"The Mysteries of Mushrooms"
by Scott Chase
by Scott Chase
Sep 21st, 2022
In addition to the basics of mushroom hunting from his previous "Stalking the Wild Mushroom" presentation, Scott will cover new information about the inter-dependence of mushrooms with trees and plants, showing how mushrooms not only provide nutrients but also serve as an internet of the forest allowing plants and trees to communicate and signal danger. He'll also show how to use mushroom spore prints to create a fun activity for the whole family.
“Moths – Super Interesting Bird Food!”
by David Droppers
August 17th, 2022
By providing a landscape for moths, namely their caterpillars, you're setting the dinner plate for birds and their young. But the main course is intriguing in its own right! This presentation is for the beginning moth-er! What makes moths worthy of study? How many moths are there? How do moths do battle with their feathered predators? And how do I provide a landscape to stage such a show? This presentation will introduce you to the world of moths and show you why they should matter to us.
Resource Links:
Click to download the checklist of Moths of Camano Island compiled by Pam Pritzl (updated 8.15.2022)
"The Art of Forest Walking"
by Jane Billinghurst, celebrated local author
by Jane Billinghurst, celebrated local author
July 20th, 2022
Forests are dynamic ecosystems. Jane will describe how to find unexpected treasures hiding in plain sight so that no matter how many times you walk the same forest trail, there will always be something different to discover.
Jane Billinghurst and German forester Peter Wohlleben collaborated to write Forest Walking: Discovering the Trees and Woodlands of North America.
Photo by Christine Farrow
"Mosses and Lichens, Our Evergreen Pacific Northwest"
by Deborah Smeltzer, Skagit County Master Gardener
by Deborah Smeltzer, Skagit County Master Gardener
June 15th, 2022
Deborah Smeltzer will talk about two interesting life forms found in abundance in the Pacific Northwest – Mosses and Lichens. For each, she will describe their biology and cultural characteristics, show portraits of the life forms, provide “fun facts”, discuss whether they are “friend” or “foe”, talk about how to encourage lush moss lawns or how to control them if needed.
Click to Download:
Deborah's Moss & Lichen Resources document.
Four Springs Bryophytes checklist compiled by Russ Holmes (2018)
Photo by Kim Binczewski
"Native Plants for a Changing Climate"
by Brenda Cunningham
by Brenda Cunningham
April 20th, 2022
As our summers become hotter and drier and winters become wetter and colder, how do we choose plants most likely to survive in our gardens? Brenda will present the most readily available native plants for your garden, their values to wildlife and pollinators and their tolerance for extreme weather events. We’ll also talk about sources for buying native plants and a bit about how to propagate them on your own.
Click to Download Native Plant Resources mentioned in the program.
"Birds and Glass Don’t Mix – Protecting Birds from Window Collisions"
by Hanae Bettencourt, Seattle Audubon
by Hanae Bettencourt, Seattle Audubon
March 16th, 2022
The problem is clear: hundreds of millions of birds die each year due to collisions with glass, making glass one of the greatest human-related impacts that directly kills birds. But there are solutions! Hanae Bettencourt, Education Manager with Seattle Audubon, will explain what makes glass so deadly and what we can do at a personal and community level to make human-centered spaces safer for birds.
Click to Download Window Collision Resources
"Baby Season is Almost Here!"
by Shona Aitken
by Shona Aitken
February 16th, 2022
Kits, pups, nestlings and fledglings. The time of year when wild babies are born or hatched is the busiest time of year for wildlife rehabilitation centers because these wild youngsters are vulnerable to all kinds of human impacts. Join Shona Aitken, Education Coordinator at Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center to find out when different types of wild babies are likely to appear, the main reasons they get injured or orphaned, and what we can all do to reduce our impacts.
Wolf Hollow serves San Juan and Skagit counties, plus northern Whidbey Island. They have also helped some of our Camano seal pups.
Our closest wildlife rehab center is Sarvey Wildlife Care Center: 360.435.4817
Wildlife rehabilitation is costly. Donations are always appreciated!
"Creating Habitat & Ecological Connection via Native Plants"
by Mariah Thomson
by Mariah Thomson
January 19th, 2022
What makes a landscape an effective wildlife habitat?
Mariah Thomson, Snohomish Conservation District Restoration Project Assistant, will share her perspective on why native plants are ecologically important for wildlife and humans alike, will cover what constitutes wildlife habitat, and provide a sample of native plants for each component. Her goal is to empower us to create a backyard habitat that meets the needs of local wildlife and is personalized to one's interests. Resources for getting started and planning your habitat will be provided. Mariah studied the intersection of conservation and social science and brings us expertise in how to restore habitats, which could include our own yards.
Meet Mariah:
Click to Download Resources Mentioned In The Program, Lawn Reduction
"Parks Aren't Just for People"
by Montana Napier
by Montana Napier
November 17th, 2021
Join Montana Napier, the Interpretive Specialist at Cama Beach State Park, for a presentation on how parks are more than a place to vacation or recreate. Across the state, parks protect large intact habitats for native wildlife, so it's important to remember that when we're visiting parks, we're visiting animals' homes. Hear stories from the field, the "why" behind certain rules and regulations, and discover a technique you can use to educate your friends and family about Leave No Trace in a positive way.
Resources mentioned in the program:
· Leave No Trace: Authority of the Resource· Authority of the Resource Technique: How to Communicate Leave No Trace - Video· How to Respond to Less Than Leave No Trace Moments· Law Enforcement and the "Authority of the Resource" - Essay by Dr. George N. Wallace·····"Attracting Birds to Your Yard"
by Neil Zimmerman
by Neil Zimmerman
Oct 20, 2021
Join Neil Zimmerman, Seattle Audubon Outreach Chair and Master Birder, to learn how to attract and care for birds in your yard through plant selection, gardening practices and use of water features. Power Point photos, many from Neil’s yard, will be used to illustrate that gardening and birding are a natural fit.
Resources mentioned in the program:
Seattle Audubon's Nature Shop Window Strike Protection
"Holistic Gardening: Healthy Soil, Native Plants, Clean Water" by Gwendolyn Hannam
Sep 15th, 2021
A beautiful garden that thrives in challenging conditions and provides food and shelter for birds and bees is possible, but must be approached holistically. Learn how to create such a garden and how it can provide benefits even to the health of Puget Sound. Join Gwendolyn Hannam, environmental biologist and Natural Resource Planner for the Whidbey Island Conservation District, for an engaging webinar and get inspired to start planning your garden!
Download Resources Mentioned In The Program
Aug 18th, 2021
Peggy Wendel interviewed Pat and posted this
Stanwood-Camano News article: "Bald eagles soaring back" on Aug 10, 2021
Learn about the life cycle of Bald Eagles through education and storytelling with Pat Holmes.
"Turning Your Property into a Wildlife Lover’s Paradise" by Val Schroeder
July 21st, 2021
Resources mentioned in the program: Suggested Native Plants, Layering, Our three native Oregon Grapes, Snohomish Conservation District Plant guides, WA Native Plant Society Plant Lists, The Gardener's Guide to Global Warming.
Download our Application for Certification or you can certify online on at the NWF site.
Imagine turning your garden into a year-round haven for birds, butterflies, pollinators, Douglas squirrels and a host of other delightful creatures. It's easier than you might think to put out the welcome mat for the birds and animals you want to entertain in your garden – no matter where you live or what size garden you have. Val Schroeder, Camano Wildlife Habitat Project coordinator, will show you how to create a garden that's as inviting to wildlife as it is beautiful with simple techniques that benefit wildlife and help preserve and protect our natural resources. You'll learn the four basic habitat requirements needed to sustain wildlife and how to provide them in your garden. You'll also find out how to join a growing movement of folks in the Puget Sound region that are taking steps to become wildlife-friendly – one yard at a time!
June 17th, 2021
From Heidi's website (which also has info about prey diversity from the Whidbey Island River Otter Research project):Scat Collection and Otter Spotting Volunteers Needed!If you have otters in your area, please report them to the WIRS Citizen Scientist Otter Reporting Website. For the truly industrious and committed, I have specimen collection kits prepared for those who have active latrines along their property. Please contact me if you would like one. Further, if you have “problem” river otters occupying your decks, boats, or boathouses, please do not hesitate to contact me, I am interested in finding a solution for you and the otters. I would also be happy to plant an infrared camera in locations of heavy otter traffic – I share all images with the property owner.
Coastal river otters, like the ones that inhabit the Salish Sea, forage in both marine and freshwater environments and use the watershed and effluviant to the Sound to feed, travel, mate, and socialize. As otters move between these ecotones, they are exposed to pollution and environmental contaminants (e.g., brominated flame retardants). Through an understanding of the Puget Sound's coastal river otter diet, distribution, health and behavior, we have a better sense of the overall ecological health of our habitat. Dr. Island will discuss the natural history of otters, the local populations and how Island County's otters are serving as a comparator population for captive and rescued river otters.
Dr. Island is a Professor of Comparative Animal Behavior and Neuroscience at Pacific University in Oregon and a Senior Research Associate for the Oregon Zoo. She is the Principal Investigator in a 4-year longitudinal study of Whidbey Island's North American river otters. Her interests concern the welfare of captive and wild otter populations found in the Pacific Northwest (North American River otter and Sea Otters).Read about her otter research on her blog.