Other Events of Interest
Native Plant Fall Sale
Greetings from the Salal Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society.
Please read important changes to our fall sale below:
We are excited to announce the upcoming Fall plant sale September 17. As in the past few years, the sale will be online, with in-person sales of remaining plants during pick up appointments on September 27 and 28.
Online ordering will open at 9 a.m. on September 17 to Salal Chapter members. This is your chance to join and place your order before the general public is given access at 10 a.m. Your membership dues support the state and local chapter, provide educational grants, scholarships and improvements to the native plant garden. If you join Washington Native Plant Society by September 5th, your name will be added to the list of members and you will be given early access to ordering plants on September 17.
To join, visit the website here: https://www.wnps.org/membership.
We will post a link for browsing the store site by September 5 at https://www.wnps.org/salal-programs/plant-sale.
Email Salal Chapter WNPS <salalgarden@wnps.org> to subscribe to our newsletter about future sales or for other questions. We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for your interest in growing native plants.
Brenda and Sarah
Salal Garden Managers
Wednesday, June 19, 7:30 pm
Celebrating 1062 Certified Habitats and 22 years of Creating an Island in Harmony with Nature — One Yard at a Time
MANY THANKS to all of you who attended the Camano Wildlife Habitat Benefit Concert. More than 90 people listened and participated in the Legacy Ukulele Concert, and 16 of those also learned ukulele techniques at Peter Luongo’s workshop. Peter and my Legacy ohana were quite impressed with the Camano audience’s enthusiasm and participation in our songs, especially Hungarian Dance #5, the Liechtensteiner Polka, and Brown Eyed Girl. The “HEYS,” “YAHS,” and "SHA-LA-LAS” were great additions to our ukulele playing. We had a lot of fun playing for you!
The concert donations of $811 will help FOCIP’s Camano Wildlife Habitat Project continue working to create, preserve, and restore wildlife habitat on Camano. We’ve been working on the project for 22 years and will continue because our island wildlife needs our help preserving habitat and keeping our island paradise great for both the critters and us people. If you want to be a part of the Camano Island, Pacific NW Regional, and National trend of providing food, water, cover, and places to raise young, plus following responsible gardening practices in your yard, certify your yard as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, either online at NWF.org or by downloading an application from our website.
The Legacy Ukulele Ensemble is a group of 14 players from America and Canada directed by internationally renowned ukulele teacher Peter Luongo. Since September of 2016, the group has been featured at several ukulele festivals and shows and also has held multiple tours. The members are committed to developing music literacy, musicianship, and vocal skills. The group’s repertoire of 35 arrangements includes Hawaiian, classical, ethnic, folk, rock, pop, and country pieces.
I joined the Legacy Ukulele Ensemble in 2022 and since our Pacific Northwest Tour coincided with the Camano Wildlife Project’s third Wednesday of the month program, I had the perfect opportunity to combine my two passions — protecting wildlife habitat and playing my ukulele. If you missed the concert, check us out at https://www.legacyukes.com or https://www.facebook.com/LegacyUkuleleEnsemble/
If you want to meet up with fellow people who care about the critters and learn more about landscaping for wildlife, come to the Camano Wildlife Habitat Project’s third Wednesday of the month 7 PM public programs at the Island County Multi-Purpose Center, next to CASA.
Camano Island in Washington State became the 10th Community Wildlife Habitat in the nation and now boasts over 1,000 Certified Wildlife Habitats. The effort was led by Val Schroeder, who in 2006 was awarded the Federation’s Volunteer of the Year in response to the many nominations by her peers and NWF-affiliates. She continues to build momentum for wildlife-friendly gardens on her island home. Read More